Friday, March 1, 2013

March Goals

February was absolutely horrendous in terms of my goals. Like real bad. I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that it was a short month, I went on vacation and it was brutally cold out. 
Excuses. Excuses. 

*Go to Zumba with Kelly. 
Nope. Kelly did make an effort, but I wasn't able to go the day that she was going. Hopefully we can make it work this month! 

*Walk/Run 25 miles. 
Wanna know how many miles I did? ZERO. Yup. Big-Fat-Zero. 

*De-clutter/Organize Kenley's closet
This is the one thing that I did get done, and thank goodness, because it needed it SO bad! 

*Do a craft
I have a project for our master bedroom that I want to do...but it didn't happen. 

*De-clutter/Organize Tupperware drawer
This drawer in the kitchen is a disaster, but I didn't get to it. 

*Go completely yeast free for one week. 
I realized shortly after setting this goal that while I'm breastfeeding isn't the best time to try a new diet. I know YF is more of a lifestyle than it is a diet but nursing & pumping zaps up every ounce of energy I get from my food, so I just didn't think it wise to try this now. I am, however, actively trying to eat more clean.

Goals for March:

*Walk/Run 25 miles
Once again I need to chip away at my 400 mile goal with at least 25 miles! 

*Do a craft!
Let's try this again! 

*Get a haircut.
There are no words for how badly this needs to happen.

*Spring Clean!
This goal has three parts to it: 
part A.  It's that time of year again...time to go through our closets and pitch/donate everything we no longer wear and use.
part B. I want to find a groupon for a housecleaning service. I want someone to come in and give my place a really good deep clean!
part C. Clean out the damn tupperware drawer. 

*Get two new clothing items to upgrade my wardrobe! 
I realize it seems really silly to set a goal to shop, but I'm telling you guys, I don't really buy clothes. SO, I'm going to try to get a couple new things to replace some of the super old clothes that I have and am hopefully getting rid of during my spring clean. 

*Finish a treadmill 5k in less than 45 minutes. 
You runners are probably getting a good chuckle out of this one...but I am no runner! I am signed up for two 5ks this year and the first one is the second week of April. I figure I can speed-walk a 5k in a little over 45 minutes, so I'd like to up my "training" by knocking one out in less than 45 minutes. 

What are you hoping to accomplish this month?


Valerie Griffin said...

i LOVE to declutter! her closet looks great!

P!nky said...

GIRL i am with you, my february was HORRIBLE!!!! YOu got march by the horns xoxo

Ashley said...

You'll do great with March, I know it! I like your thinking with the shopping goal ;) I think I may need to partake in that one too!

Emily said...

Kenley's closet looks so good!! I kind of stole this goals idea from you (and some other bloggers)! :)

Nicole-Lynn said...

Good goals! I need to spring clean this year like it's nobody's business! I'd love for someone to come and deep clean too... hmm... you may have given me an idea! :)